Good Mental Health For All - North & South Lanarkshire

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Photographs taken at last week’s very successful action planning events for Good Mental Health for All in South and North Lanarkshire, on 22nd and 24th November. 

A report and update on actions and planning will be posted on the website in due course. Please visit the following link for more pictures:


North Lanarkshire


South Lanarkshire

Further Information and Sources of Support:

Good Mental Health For All. NHS Health Scotland.

Scotland’s Mental Health Strategy: A 10 year vision.

Mental Health Inequalities. Briefing no 10 (Nov 2017). NHS Health Scotland.

Sources of Support

Mental Health and Wellbeing Information and Lanarkshire-specific resources and supports

Breathing Space – free, 0800 83 85 87 6pm to 2am Monday to Thursday; and 6pm Friday through the weekend to 6am Monday  

Samaritans 116 123 - free, 24 hours

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